This article will show you how to implement a simple feedback collection process from your MadKudu users.
- Having scores (lead & contact; account) already pushed to your CRM
- Having Salesforce for field history tracking
Why is the feedback loop important?
Why is this lead scored high?, said the sales: having debates with your Sales team over the validity of lead or account scores for their prioritization is a common challenge that Marketing Ops teams typically have to deal with.
MadKudu can help you create an effective feedback loop with your Sales team by allowing them to share feedback directly in Salesforce about the lead or account scores that you configured in MadKudu.
And if you are in an implementation stage, don't forget that engaged sales users means easier adoption by them. So here's the article to get things set up!
What is the recommended feedback loop?
- Sales provide feedback with scores they disagree with, either pre or post-lead interaction.
- Marketing Ops pulls a report, assesses the feedback for each Disagreement, and takes appropriate action. We typically recommend a weekly report frequency, but it can go till 1 or 2 a month!
How to implement the feedback loop?
Step 1: Create two fields for feedbacks on MadKudu score
- Name: mk_disqualification
- Type: "Checkbox"
- Related to: Lead & Contact ; Account
- Description: Disagreement with MadKudu Score
- Name: mk_feedback_on_scores
- Type: "Text", Length: 255
- Related to: Lead & Contact ; Account
- Description: Disagreement with MadKudu Score
Step 2: Set history tracking for the fields (for SFDC)
This step will allow you to see the evolution of specific feedback from sales as MadKudu models continue to improve.
Step 3: Create a “Disagreement” report
Having a Disagreement report set up weekly or bi-weekly makes it possible:
- to have a basis for regular discussion between Marketing Ops and BDR/SDR teams on the validity of the scores
- to monitor quantitatively if sales trust MadKudu models
What's next?
Once the Disagreement report is configured, get weekly reports of the feedback your Sales team is providing on the scores. Based on the data, determine the next best actions to either educate the team or correct the scores:
- Investigation: this lead was rejected by the sales team but if you look at the Score Lookup section of the app, does the scoring make more sense?
- Education: sales have identified items that are outside the scope of MadKudu app or they want to get more information on the meaning of a signal? It can be time to organize an enablement session with them!
- Collaboration: after investigation, you still can't understand the score or the signals of a lead ? You can open a MadKudu Support ticket for CSM Review.