You've installed MadKudu Salesforce package and now need to display the components to your layout. Here's how to do that!
Pre-requisite: you have permissions in Salesforce to edit the Account, Lead and Contact layouts, and the Sales team tabs
Before we start, there are 3 main things to install (you'll need them all)
MadKudu Copilot to display the Inbox and Explore dashboard. These will be used by your Sales reps to organize their day, reaching out to prospects based on playbooks, and to explore their accounts and contacts in views. Used also by Sales management and Ops to explore prospects.
MadKudu Visualforce on the Lead/Contact/Account object and your home page. These will be used by your Sales team to know everything about an account or lead/contact.
MadKudu fields on the Lead/Contact/Account objects (these will be used in reports, workflows...). These will be used by your Ops team to create workflows and reports based on MadKudu data
1. Installing MadKudu visual force pages (iframes)
Step 1: Create a Custom Tab for MadKudu Copilot
- In Salesforce, click on the gear icon at the top right then Setup
- Search for Tabs
- Scroll down and search for Visualforce Tabs
- Click New
- Configure with
- Visualforce page: MadKudu Copilot
- Tab Label: MadKuduCopilot
- Tab Name: MadKuduCopilot
- Tab Style: Jewel
- Description: MadKudu Copilot allows you to understand any relevant activity that happened in your book of accounts. Don't miss anything thanks to the MadKudu playbooks! The Copilot allows you to slide and dice in your book of accounts to understand who is active and what you should mention when reaching out.
- Click on Next
- Select user profiles for which the new page tab will be available. You can keep "all profiles" if you want everyone in your organization to get access to MadKudu Copilot
- Click on Next
- Select the Custom Apps that should have this tab. We recommend the Sales Console and any custom app that your Sales team is using.
- Click on Save
Step 2: Make sure the tab is visible to the Sales team
- Search for App Manager
- Select All Tabs
- Click on the arrow and select Edit
- Select MadKudu Copilot and click on Up to be at the very top
- Default Landing Tab: MadKudu Copilot
- Assign to all the relevant Profiles
Step 3: Add MadKudu VisualForce pages to your Salesforce Account, Lead and Contact
Go to your Salesforce account Setup (upper right corner gear icon)
Salesforce Lightning
Account Layout
- In the left sidebar menu, click Objects and Fields > Object Manager then click on Account and Lightning Record pages.
- Select the Layout and click Edit.
- Insert a component section or tab, wherever is best for the Sales users
- Drag into the component from the left navigation bar a VisualForce component.
- On the right of the page where the VisualForce component is configured, select from the picklist MadKudu Account Sales Intelligence Embed.
- Uncheck "Show label".
- Adjust the height of the page to minimum 700.
Make sure the profiles associated with your Sales users have permission to see the VisualForce page:
- In Setup, search Users and select Profiles.
- Select the user associated with the people who should see the MadKudu Sales Intelligence
- In the section “Enabled VisualForce Page Access” → click Edit, then add the VisualForce MadKudu Account Sales Intelligence
Repeat for Lead and Contact layouts with their corresponding visualforce pages (MadKudu Lead Sales Intelligence Embed and MadKudu Contact Sales Intelligence Embed)
Salesforce Classic
Account Layout:
- In the left sidebar menu, click Objects and Fields > Object Manager then click on Account and Page Layout
- Click on the name of the layout visible to the Sales reps. If multiple page layouts exist, you’ll need to add the iFrame to each page layout for which you’ll want to see the MadKudu Sales Intelligence iFrame displayed.
- In the toolbar, drag and drop a Section in the desired location of the page layout to host the iFrame.
- As Section name, enter MadKudu Sales Intelligence and select 1-Column Layout, then click OK.
- Adjust the height to 700px
- In the toolbar, select in the list 'VisualForce pages', then drag and drop the MadKudu Account Intelligence into the section you created.
- In the top left of the toolbar, click Save to apply your layout changes.
- Navigate to a Salesforce Account record and click the Details tab to view the MadKudu Account Intelligence.
Repeat for Lead and Contact layouts with their corresponding visualforce pages (MadKudu Lead Sales Intelligence Embed and MadKudu Contact Sales Intelligence Embed)
2. Visualizing MadKudu components
Pre-requisite: you are a user on MadKudu platform ( If not, please ask your MadKudu admin to add you as a user.
- In Salesforce, open MadKudu Copilot tab installed and click on Login. Check you are able to login
- In Salesforce, open any account, any lead or any contact and navigate to the section where you added the VisualForce page. Check you are able to see data in it.
- And that's it!
- If users see a blank page, make sure they are added to your MadKudu account as users ( > Settings > Users ). Note: you need to have Admin permissions in MadKudu to add users.
- If users see “Insufficient Privileges”, make sure the Salesforce profiles associated with these users are enabled with the VisualForce page access (see above).
- If users see "Please refresh the page", please try reloading your browser page. This can happen when the iFrame doesn't get the Salesforce Account ID correctly. Reloading the page should make Salesforce resend the ID to the iFrame.
3. Invite to your MadKudu account the users who'll need to see the iFrame.
Once installed, users in Salesforce would see a login page in the iFrame.
To access the information in the iFrame, users need to be added to your company MadKudu account.
Once invited to MadKudu, they can connect directly within the iFrame in Salesforce to start visualizing MadKudu Sales Intelligence.
4. Installing MadKudu fields
Please follow the instructions at the Lead, Contact and Account level
We usually recommend using a two column layout. Organize your fields so that the predictive attributes are on the left, while the context on this lead can be found on the right.
- Click on Setup at the top right
- Click on the Object Manager tab, search for Lead, click on Lead
- Click on Page Layout, click on Lead Layout
- Drag and drop a new Section to where you want the MadKudu intelligence to show.
- Name the new section "MadKudu Intelligence"
- Drag and drop the MadKudu fields you’d like to see.
- Save your layout.